Saturday, June 9, 2012

the air in a garden

All the shy green fire
of your vulnerable knowing
hums like the immaculate
havoc of God
in a field of light
and silence.

The seeds of a restless
delight are
remembering how
to love the world.

Your beginning
is enough,
imperishable and
a lion gentled
by the air
in a garden.

--©Laura Sorrells 2012
all rights reserved


  1. I've read this poem five times, now. For me, the whole thing pivots on the word "remembering." On a different day, maybe the fulcrum would be elsewhere.

  2. Very interesting. It makes me happy that you read it five times. This one kind of just came along. It kind of feels like self-talk, but not altogether. I am not sure it makes sense in terms of the pronouns I know. Recently I had the idea that the word "God" is a sort of pronoun for me. it brings all the others into it completely.

    1. I appreciate the poem not for some meaningful whole, but for the metaphors that point toward God and give some notion of what God is like. "God" as a pronoun. . . that also provokes thought. I'm still meditation on "God" as a verb (suggested by a theologian -- I cannot recall which one).

  3. Imperishable and absolute, a lion gentled... lovely lines and a beautiful poem.

  4. Just wow. Your title grabbed me and the poem was like reading a lullaby. The air in my garden is pure heaven to me (very lemony & minty due to my love of citrus-smelling herbs & 9 varieties of Mint.) To me, God and Light are interchangeable. Thank you for sharing this. xo

  5. sage and Marion, thank you both. I am so happy y'all liked this. I like it when things just come along like this one did. Marion, I think of the scent of rosemary (mostly on my hands) and mint and the wet earth and maybe a little bit of magnolia around the edges.

  6. Thank you for sharing your words


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Georgia, United States
I live at the edge of the forest in a little town in the north Georgia mountains. I teach sixth grade Language Arts and am writing a memoir of sorts about family, spirituality, and narrative. I am also exploring a possible writing project having to do with contemporary lay contemplative experience and how it might be informed by the Desert Fathers and Mothers of early Christianity. I am a relatively recent convert to Roman Catholicism and an admirer of Pope Francis, Leonardo Boff, Joan Chittister, and Richard Rohr. I'm a Lay Associate of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, Georgia. I am interested in indigenous cultures, narratives, and spirituality, especially how these can inform my spirituality as a lay contemplative. I write, read, take pictures, play around with creating ephemera from paper and cloth and other organic things. I cook, hike, watch wildlife, and collect random bits of interesting oddness, both tangible and abstract. I am a seer of smallness and a caretaker of ridiculous minutiae. If you want, e-mail me at or